March 10, 2025

Few tips on bluffing when playing online poker game

Poker is one game where it is no fun without bluffing. Bluffing is like a two edge sword where it is helpful as well as dangerous too. If the other person caught that you are bluffing then it is used against you. There are many times when with the use of bluffing a player has won some wonderful hands. When a person is playing blind and raising the stakes it is not a bluff. The is the perfect place to find different tables of poker. Players from around the world gather here to play online poker.

Here are some tips which will help you for bluffing

  • Playing with new players: It is very easy to find new players on low stake tables. The new players are always unaware of the condition of bluffing. They will simply think that you are having some nice cards and they are having no chance against you. The amount to be won in low stakes is not higher but the chance of winning with bluffing is much accurate.

  • Placing false information: This is one trick that can be used both playing online and in real too. Just simply message the next person that “If I fold the cards will you show the hand”. It is a simple mind game which will make the other person think that you are having a half good hand. This will make the other person get in a tension of thinking that what cards you are having. If the other person agrees then you are having nothing to lose. But if the other person disagrees then raise the stakes to make him believe that he has less chance of winning.
  • Wait for the moment: In online poker, the players keep on changing and hardly a player plays for more than 4 to 5 rounds. The trick is to start early on, as to see the cards and then fold them. If you are getting a good card then don’t need to fold but if you are getting bad cards then fold them. After few rounds whether the cards are good or bad raise the stakes. It will make the other person think that you are having some nice cards. They will eventually stop and leave the game. When you are doing this trick consistency is very much important and with some patients.